The Chapter

The Domstift der Marienkirche zu Wurzen (Collegiate Church of St Mary, Wurzen) is administered by a Domkapitel (Chapter). The faces of this Chapter are its seven members, known as Domherren (canons). The canons work on an honorary basis. The contribute their specialist knowledge in the fields of theology, architecture, administration, finances, business, legal affairs and music, and are chosen accordingly. They hold a working meeting several times a year.

The provost, a minister of religion, represents the Chapter to the outside world, while the dean, whose role is comparable to that of a managing director, is the legal representative of the Chapter.

The office of canon ends at the age of 75, but the canons continue their activities as canons emeritus by assisting the Chapter as advisers.

Landesbischof Tobias Bilz
Landesbischof Tobias Bilz

The head of the Domstift Wurzen is the Landesbischof, the head of the Lutheran Church of the State of Saxony. Since 2020 this office has been held by Landesbischof Tobias Bilz.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Deeg

Prof. Dr. Alexander Deeg

Canon since 2022 – provost of the church


Heinz Hartwig Böhmer

Heinz Hartwig Böhmer

Canon since 2016 – dean since 2021


Leo v. Sahr - Schönberg

Leo von Sahr – Schönberg

Canon since 2001 – senior


Domherr Johannes Dickert

Johannes Dickert

Canon since 2010 – sub-senior


Thomas Müller

Thomas Müller

Canon since 2018


Domherrin Dr. Bürger

Dr. Jördis Bürger

Canon since 2020


Alexander Wieckowski

Alexander Wieckowski

Canon since 2022


Dr. Ing. E.h. Dr. h.c. Eberhard Burger

Dr. Ing. E.h. Dr. h.c. Eberhard Burger

Canon from 1986 to 2018 – canon emeritus since 2018


Dietrich Lenk

Dietrich Lenk

Canon from 1997 to 2020 – canon emeritus since 2020


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ratzmann

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ratzmann

Canon from 2005 to 2022 – canon emeritus since 2022


Horst Schulze

Superintendent i. R. Horst Schulze

Canon from 30 June 1982 – dean from 1982 to 2009 – canon emeritus from 2010 to 2021


Prof. Dr. Ernst-Heinz Amberg

Prof. Dr. Ernst-Heinz Amberg

Canon from 1983 to 2005 – provost 1999 to 2005 – emeritus canon 2005 to 2020


Christoph Richter

Superintendent i. R. Christoph Richter

Canon since 1999 – dean from 2006 to 2022 – canon emeritus since 2022
